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Snake House VT

Release Me
Single Channel Video Festival
February 12-14, 2021

Imagining or experiencing the moment or process of liberation, of deliverance from what holds you, confined or isolated, gripped in uncertainty or fear, held back by powerful forces or structures, kept apart from others, mired in confusion, dwelling in the dark.

To witness or feel this point in time in slow motion or rapid fire

To imagine it as really possible, even sustainable.

Release me. 

How do we imagine a world or ourselves changed after emerging from the grip of fear, solitude, anxiety, grief, oppression?

What does the other side of this prolonged condition look like?

What occurs in the moment of release?

Participating Artists: Hsin-Yu Chen & Better Lovers - USA, Natalia García Clark - Mexico/USA, Anna Garner - Mexico/USA, Eli Goldstone - USA, 
Hamidreza Khosh-Bazan - Iran, Jens Kipper - Germany, Camille Pueyo - France, Brandon Sward - USA, Tina Willgren - Sweden, Siyu Zhu - USA

Images courtesy of the artist:  Anna Garner - still from Pratfall, Brandon Sward - still from Dance Diary, Camille Pueyo - still from Trouble, Eli Goldstone - still from Climb, Hamidreza Khosh-Bazan - still from Cutstein, Hsin-Yu Chen/Better Lovers - still from A Wet Bio Coder, Jens Kipper - still from Asynchron, Natalia García Clark - still from Conflicto Interno, Siyu Zhu - still from Knock Knock, Tina Willgren - still from After Hours


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